
Calling all new grandparents! (and parents, too!)

We cover topics that matter to grandparents - and parents - such as concrete ways to help new parents, understanding new trends in child care, and meaningful ways to connect the generations. The resources and products we offer foster open communication, encourage healthy boundaries, and equip new grandparents with the tools they need to become a supportive partner to their grandchild's parents. Sign up for our newsletter to find out why grandparenting isn't about spoiling the grandkids anymore. Parents welcome!

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The Buckets are more important than I realized

Dear Reader, My daughter-in-law and I were chatting the other day about their upcoming summer visit. She wanted me to know that the 6-year-old was already talking about The Buckets. My granddaughter wanted to make sure I would have them again this time, and that her brother would not be allowed to steal her Oreos again. Three years ago, I got some small tin buckets before they came to stay. My intent was for them to have a place to keep their toothbrushes, washcloth, and other toiletries...

Dear Reader, If you were like me and spent most of the past weekend unplugged, you may have missed an important news story. The US Surgeon General, Dr. Vivek Murthy, released an advisory on the critical need to improve parental mental health & well-being. Titled Parents Under Pressure, the report “highlights the stressors that impact the mental health and well-being of parents and caregivers, the critical link between parental mental health and children's long-term well-being, and the urgent...

The latest from the More Than Grand blog is up on the website! A Grandparent’s Response to the Surgeon General’s Advisory on Parents’ Mental Health Published on September 3, 2024 The U.S. Surgeon General released an advisory on parental mental health and well-being. One of More Than Grand’s primary missions is to help grandparents support parents, and this advisory is an important reminder that there is much work to be done in this area. This response shares ways we can all help to improve...

A woman holding a red leaf in a park

Hello again! Here’s what’s happening This Week in the Wonderful World of Grandparenting. Each Saturday, we send you a roundup of articles and resources that will help you be a better grandparent. We may receive a commission for purchases made through affiliate links in this email. This is an easy and much appreciated way for you to support More Than Grand! Growing as a Grandparent Some grandparents are just not interested in their new role. DeeDee addressed this in My Parents Don’t Want to Be...

book on table with dishes and glasses

Dear readers, Sometimes the well of words runs dry and I struggle to find anything worthwhile to say to you. This was one of those weeks! Rather than turn to AI to generate an email message, I turned to the archives. Here’s an email I sent in September of 2020 that is just as relevant today. If you’ve been around since then, I’d love it if you’d hit reply and let me know! ~~~ I love getting emails from my readers with questions, because they are rarely the only person with that concern. A few...

The latest from the More Than Grand blog is up on the website! New Grandparent? Here's Why You Should Consider Grandparent Classes Published on August 27, 2024 Discover why grandparent classes are essential for new grandparents. Learn how they can improve family relationships and help you care for your grandbaby. Plus how to find the right class for you! Pin for later! Sarah couldn't wait to meet her first grandchild. She'd been dreaming of this moment for years, imagining all the cuddles,...

Hello again! Here’s what’s happening This Week in the Wonderful World of Grandparenting. Each Saturday, we send you a roundup of articles and resources that will help you be a better grandparent. We may receive a commission for purchases made through affiliate links in this email. This is an easy and much appreciated way for you to support More Than Grand! Growing as a Grandparent Grandparents can play an important role in their grandchild’s language development. Learn how to help them...

teddybear on bed near night stand and window

Hello, Reader! I got a photo today from my youngest sister as she dropped my niece off at college. I’ve been seeing 😭 emojis all over Instagram from parents doing the same: saying goodbye as their child starts a new chapter. Do you remember that feeling when your oldest child started off on a life without you? Whether it was college, or the military, or their first apartment…suddenly the whole family dynamic shifted. Sometimes it’s an easy transition. My son was so busy working and...

Hello again! Here’s what’s happening This Week in the Wonderful World of Grandparenting. Each Saturday, we send you a roundup of articles and resources that will help you be a better grandparent. We may receive a commission for purchases made through affiliate links in this email. This is an easy and much appreciated way for you to support More Than Grand! Growing as a Grandparent See how you can transform your grandparenting journey by embracing a simple mindset shift in Why The Best...

man sitting on beach wearing white, purple, and black sport shirt

Hello, Reader! One of my biggest fears as I age is that I will get set in my ways. I see so many people in their last decades who cling to old ways of thinking, and I watch how much it limits their enjoyment of the world around them. Plus, it can limit the enjoyment that the people around them find in their company—no one likes a curmudgeon! (Although I love the word curmudgeon, I don’t want to become one!) Being a grandparent who values an open mind and looks for learning opportunities is...

Hello again! Here’s what’s happening This Week in the Wonderful World of Grandparenting. Each Saturday, we send you a roundup of articles and resources that will help you be a better grandparent. We may receive a commission for purchases made through affiliate links in this email. This is an easy and much appreciated way for you to support More Than Grand! Growing as a Grandparent A recent fan of New Grandparent Essentials wrote: “I learned to many valuable suggestions from More Than Grand...