TWWWG: August 10

Hello again! Here’s what’s happening This Week in the Wonderful World of Grandparenting.

Each Saturday, we send you a roundup of articles and resources that will help you be a better grandparent.

We may receive a commission for purchases made through affiliate links in this email. This is an easy and much appreciated way for you to support More Than Grand!

Growing as a Grandparent

A recent fan of New Grandparent Essentials wrote: “I learned to many valuable suggestions from More Than Grand that helped make this not only a fun time bonding with the baby, but it strengthened my relationship with the parents, as well. I highly recommend this program to all grandparents.” Learn more about New Grandparent Essentials now.

Connecting with Your Grandchildren

Starting school is a huge milestone for a young child. As their grandparent, you can take small intentional steps to help prepare your grandchild for their first year of school. Read How Grandparents Can Help Grandkids be Kindergarten-Ready on the blog. It’s helpful for preschool, too!

Want a good reason to make your grandkids laugh? Laughing together has been shown to bring you closer! See our picks for games, books and music to keep your grandchildren laughing and help build lasting bonds in Boost Your Relationship With Your Grandkids Through Laughter.

Helping Parents

The start of the school year is a stressful and expensive time for parents, too! We’ve got tips on how grandparents can help in Celebrating Your Grandchild’s New School Year.

A child’s thin and tender skin burns far more quickly and easily than an adult’s. Read What Grandparents Need to Know About Burn Prevention to make sure it doesn’t happen to your grandchild.

Gift Ideas

Grandparents can help ease the fears about starting a new school by sharing one of these picture books about starting school. Some of them address common fears, some give behind-the-scenes peeks, some share what the day will look like from the child’s point of view. From funny to touching, there’s a back-to-school story for every grandchild here.

The grandkids loved these stacking rocks on their recent visit. Not only did they love seeing who could build the highest tower, they quickly decided the smallest ones were unicorn eggs! We are still finding them in cozy corners of the house—perhaps they’ll hatch if we leave them there???

Looking for more ideas for what to buy for your grandchildren or their parents? Visit our Amazon Shop!

DeeDee Moore | Founder, More Than Grand LLC |

Calling all new grandparents! (and parents, too!)

We cover topics that matter to grandparents - and parents - such as concrete ways to help new parents, understanding new trends in child care, and meaningful ways to connect the generations. The resources and products we offer foster open communication, encourage healthy boundaries, and equip new grandparents with the tools they need to become a supportive partner to their grandchild's parents. Sign up for our newsletter to find out why grandparenting isn't about spoiling the grandkids anymore. Parents welcome!

Read more from Calling all new grandparents! (and parents, too!)

Hello again! Here’s what’s happening This Week in the Wonderful World of Grandparenting. Each Saturday, we send you a roundup of articles and resources that will help you be a better grandparent. We may receive a commission for purchases made through affiliate links in this email. This is an easy and much appreciated way for you to support More Than Grand! Growing as a Grandparent Did you know you can buy individual sections of New Grandparent Essentials if you don’t feel you need the whole...

A man and a woman pose for a picture with a baby

Dear Reader, For the last few days, one of my sisters, her husband, and my mother have been staying with us. I’ve been reminded once again that I am fortunate to have family members who not only get along, but genuinely like to spend time together. I recognize that not all of you are so lucky. Families are messy, and conflict is normal. It’s normal in my family, too. Even though we choose to spend time together, we don’t always get along. But what we do is something that Rachel Haack...

Dear Reader, If you were like me and spent most of the past weekend unplugged, you may have missed an important news story. The US Surgeon General, Dr. Vivek Murthy, released an advisory on the critical need to improve parental mental health & well-being. Titled Parents Under Pressure, the report “highlights the stressors that impact the mental health and well-being of parents and caregivers, the critical link between parental mental health and children's long-term well-being, and the urgent...