🟢The Curmudgeon Cure

Hello, Reader!

One of my biggest fears as I age is that I will get set in my ways. I see so many people in their last decades who cling to old ways of thinking, and I watch how much it limits their enjoyment of the world around them. Plus, it can limit the enjoyment that the people around them find in their company—no one likes a curmudgeon! (Although I love the word curmudgeon, I don’t want to become one!)

Being a grandparent who values an open mind and looks for learning opportunities is one way to keep from being that curmudgeon. More than that, it helps us be a better grandparent. Prioritizing learning is a great example for our grandchildren, and being curious about their interests brings us closer. Recognizing that we have a lot to learn about modern parenting helps us support parents. And continuing to explore new things keeps us mentally sharp.

My friend Aaron Larson at Grandparents Academy has built an entire platform around helping grandparents keep learning. On September 8, Grandparents Academy presents the largest virtual celebration and educational conference for grandparents: a free, week-long celebration featuring over a dozen expert interviews, mini-classes, awards, and prizes.

During Grandparents Week, you’ll hear from world-class experts on a wide range of topics related to grandparenting including:

  • The Grandparent Evolution - Help Your Family Thrive in Today's World
  • Becoming Glamma - Mixing Fashion, Fitness & Fun
  • 50 Great Photos to Outlive Me
  • Essential Tips for Active Grandparenting
  • and many more!

Based on the feedback from last year’s event, you won’t regret signing up! And sign up now, because the celebration starts with pre-event giveaways. You’re automatically entered to win when you register. Registration is completely free!



After you register, you have the option to upgrade to a VIP pass, which is available at special pre-event pricing. The VIP pass gives you lifetime access to the recordings and printable session notes. That way if your week fills up, you can still watch and rewatch the sessions after Grandparents Week ends. If you do upgrade, you have my sincere thanks—I’ll get a commission as a Grandparents Academy affiliate.

​Come learn with me at this year’s Grandparents Week! We can avoid becoming curmudgeons together!

Warm regards,

P.S. Do you have questions about Grandparents Week or Grandparents Academy? Just reply to this email and I’ll do my best to get you an answer!



Thanks for reading! If you found this valuable, please forward it to a friend!


DeeDee Moore | Founder, More Than Grand LLC | morethangrand.com

Calling all new grandparents! (and parents, too!)

We cover topics that matter to grandparents - and parents - such as concrete ways to help new parents, understanding new trends in child care, and meaningful ways to connect the generations. The resources and products we offer foster open communication, encourage healthy boundaries, and equip new grandparents with the tools they need to become a supportive partner to their grandchild's parents. Sign up for our newsletter to find out why grandparenting isn't about spoiling the grandkids anymore. Parents welcome!

Read more from Calling all new grandparents! (and parents, too!)

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