🔵New Grandparent? Here's Why You Should Consider Grandparent Classes: More Than Grand Blog

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​New Grandparent? Here's Why You Should Consider Grandparent Classes​

Published on August 27, 2024

Discover why grandparent classes are essential for new grandparents. Learn how they can improve family relationships and help you care for your grandbaby. Plus how to find the right class for you!

Sarah couldn't wait to meet her first grandchild. She'd been dreaming of this moment for years, imagining all the cuddles, story times, and special moments they'd share. But as the due date approached, she found herself feeling nervous. So much had changed since she'd had her own children. Would she remember how to swaddle a baby? What if she gave outdated advice? How could she best support her daughter and son-in-law?

If you're feeling like Sarah, you're not alone. Many new grandparents find themselves excited but uncertain as they step into this new role. There’s a helpful solution: grandparent classes. These valuable resources can help you navigate the changes in childcare practices and family dynamics, setting you up for success in your new role.
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Calling all new grandparents! (and parents, too!)

We cover topics that matter to grandparents - and parents - such as concrete ways to help new parents, understanding new trends in child care, and meaningful ways to connect the generations. The resources and products we offer foster open communication, encourage healthy boundaries, and equip new grandparents with the tools they need to become a supportive partner to their grandchild's parents. Sign up for our newsletter to find out why grandparenting isn't about spoiling the grandkids anymore. Parents welcome!

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