🔵A Grandparent’s Response to the Surgeon General’s Advisory on Parents’ Mental Health: More Than Grand Blog

The latest from the More Than Grand blog is up on the website!

​A Grandparent’s Response to the Surgeon General’s Advisory on Parents’ Mental Health​

Published on September 3, 2024

The U.S. Surgeon General released an advisory on parental mental health and well-being. One of More Than Grand’s primary missions is to help grandparents support parents, and this advisory is an important reminder that there is much work to be done in this area. This response shares ways we can all help to improve the mental health and well-being of parents in our families and beyond.

As Denise sat across from her daughter at their monthly coffee date, she couldn't help but notice the dark circles under Jenn’s downcast eyes. "How are you really doing?" she asked, concern etching her face. Jenn’s eyes welled up with tears as she confessed, "Mom, I'm exhausted. I feel like I'm barely keeping it together."

This scene is playing out in cafes, living rooms, and phone calls across the country. Raising children has never been easy, but parents today say it's especially hard. They're right—it's harder than ever. So hard, in fact, that the U.S. Surgeon General has issued an advisory on the mental health and well-being of parents.

The Surgeon General issues an advisory when there's an urgent public health challenge facing Americans. These advisories aim not only to bring awareness to the issues but also to suggest how we can all help solve them.

In "Parents Under Pressure: The U.S. Surgeon General Advisory on the Mental Health and Well-Being of Parents," the issue at hand is the enormous stress affecting today's parents. It explains the causes of this stress, its effects on parents, and what we all can do to improve parents' mental health.

And who better to help than grandparents?

​Read more...​

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